New ideas

I recently seen a post on another blog where the woman was resolving to save money this year. It had a chart for a 52 week savings plan. Week 1 you save $1, week 2 you put away $2 and so on. At the end you have $1378, not including any interest. Not a bad haul for adding $1 a week to what you're saving.

I have also heard a few other tips on saving money.

Pay for everything with paper money. Dump the change in a bowl, jar, container of some sort and watch how quickly it adds up.

Or figure on saving one hour pay per day. If you make $15 per hour multiply it by 5 days a week that you work and you have $75 to sock away. Aren't you worth paying yourself each day for one hour of your work day? I know many of us are worth far and away more than what we're paid, but you get the idea.

I have also heard of giving yourself an allowance. You get $XX a paycheck to blow on whatever you want. It's cash so not traceable and you cannot go over. The rest goes in savings if there's any left over at the end of the pay period. The rest of the check is to pay the bills and go into savings.

So what are your helpful tips and rules to follow for saving money? I'm open to suggestions.


  1. Make more money than you need, but i have yet to meet that criteria. The more I make the more I need.


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