Worry not my sweets. I have not been going through any bad stuff lately even tho my last post may have led to different thoughts. I have been of on a holiday of sorts. Finding myself, seeing myself in a far different light and the results?  Astounding my lovelies. Simply astounding.

One of my Besty's in Pixieland had posted a link that has brought me full tilt into a world of thought I had no idea existed. She had no idea of what she'd done until long after it had happened actually.  Which is kind of funny and I pixie-promise to share the story with you later.

For now just rest knowing that I have reached a point in life where I am... Me. I am the best me I can be and actually that's not even true. I can always improve if I so choose it.

Blessings and all my best for a beautiful summer!

~ Pixie ~


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