I recently had a run in with a former ex of mine. While it was nice to see him again for a change, it was also something that shook up my day. The following day I was in a foul mood because of it and just grouchy with everyone in general. I know the reasons why we are no longer together, yet when another friend of mine asked why I let it get to me? I had no idea what to tell him. I was a bit angry at *Bradley for some things that have yet to be resolved. The way it all ended, they probably likely never will be resolved to my liking or satisfaction. Yet here I was pissed off at him still. I talked to another friend of mine later in the day, recounted all of the crap I had endured and waited for her confirmation that yep, he is an utter waste. What I got instead was another round of Why does this all still bother you? Which got me to thinking- why does it bother me? Why do I let him get to me. I know he is a waste, nothing old or new about him surp...