Beautiful birds

In a recent discussion with a dear friend, we have both bared the truth about things we may not have known about each other. Things we admit to, ways we in turn, hold ourselves back. Things others have perceived about us, which we may have been a Johnny-come-lately in realizing. Some of them- it took a different way of explaining them before the light bulb came on and we understood (albeit a bit too fully) what was happening and why???? I have had people stalking my blog. I make no account for them or their act of doing this. Why do they do it? Maybe so they can gain insight to the way I think, the things I do, the way they perceive I behave? Sure. Any and all of those. Are they looking for something to hold over me or use against me later? Probably. Why? Good question. Ask them and they will deny everything. Their type always will. Am I the only one who has online stalkers? Far from it. I am not alone or that special. In fact my friend Sasha has...